About Me



  • Master of Research in History from University of Edinburgh. This equipped me with vital research skills and made me self-motivated to reach my goals.
  • Graduated as a Fullstack Developer from WBS Coding School in November 2023. The bootcamp gave me a solid foundation for web developement
  • Completed Udemy's Data Structures and Algorithms course in Januaray 2024. I learn from this course big O Notation, fundamental data structures such as Linked Lists, Binary Search Trees and Hash Tables, as well as common sorting, searching and recursive algorithms
  • I focus on learning something new every week. My philosophy is: if the motivation is there, you can learn anything


  • I currently volunteer at two organisations as a Freelance Developer:
    • Internet Archive's Open Library: open source digital library with over 5 million books. I help implement frontend features, such as Dark Mode, participate in weekly calls and respond to GitHub issues (Web.py, Docker, Less CSS, JavaScript)
    • Tactical.vote: tool to assist tactical voting tactics this coming General Election in the UK. I am creating a mobile app for them (React Native, Expo)
  • I am also currently working on three main projects:
    • The Book Club Brothers
    • The Book Club League
    • Shark Explorer
  • To view these projects and more, see my portfolio here